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Driving Your Career Starts *Now* The Newsletter
March 2013


Welcome to Driving Your Career Starts NOW - The Newsletter, showing you how you can manage your career!

After using the name "Between the Trapezes" for a decade, it was past time for a change. I wanted the name to better reflect what I urge career-minded people to do -- to be in charge of your career and not wait for someone else to do it for you. Your career funds your life, so no parking allowed: drive it now.

All the archives back to 2007 are still available.

- Joanne Meehl, aka The Job Search Queen - Celebrating 10 years as a your career choice and job search coach

What's here:
  • Do you have B.E.A. - "Boomer Entitlement Attitude" - about job search?
  • Helping you get unstuck: pick one

  • Do you have B.E.A. - "Boomer Entitlement Attitude" - about job search?
    Question mark

    There's lots written about the entitlement attitude of Gen X or Gen Y or millennials who are in job search. You know, the expecting-to-be-VP-in-a-year kind of thing.

    Well, the baby boomer generation shows its own attitudes about careers and job search. I speak regularly to groups in job search, and here are a few things that the 50+ crowd in the room communicates through body language, questions, and comments. Here are some observations, and I've included my responses and some tips for changing how you telegraph your attitude.

    - "I deserve that next step in my career; after all, it's something I've been working toward."
    My response: Your next employer doesn't owe you the promotion your last employer didn't give you. Or the salary. So you need to show the potential employer what you can do next for them, not what you used to do for someone else.

    Tip: Tell one of your success stories that's directly related to what they need done.

    - Another version of this one, said to me with assurances that you'd never say it this way in an interview, is: "All I want is a good job, one that will carry me until ...

    Helping you get unstuck: pick one

    I make available many materials that will give you some coaching, right off the page, several ways. So whether you're a new vet, a career shifter, a new grad, or planning your second or third career, there's something for you that's designed to help.

    First, at my Ignite Your Job Search Store. There are now gift certificates at the store. Mention this (or forward this newsletter) to family and friends for a gift for yourself, or get one for someone you know who needs a boost in their career or job search. And the gift certificates are personalized for your recipient. Samples of the guides that are at the store: Want to know how to create a target list of employers? There's now a guide for that. What are the only five interview questions? There's a guide for that, too.
    You can even get live coaching time with Joanne here -- at rates that will more than pay you back when you use what you learn!
    All are at minimal prices, with a secure connection when you use a credit card to purchase.

    Also, right on the home page is a link to my free YouTube channel, where you'll see more and more helpful videos. Right now there are three short videos about Applicant Tracking Systems, helping you get your resume INTO the system. Check it out.

    And while you're at the site, see what else you can read that will help you (the blog, archives of this newsletter), or what's free to download.

    * C O L L E G E * S E N I O R S *: Are you about to graduate, and need a road map to a great job upon graduation? Or you're a recent grad who is lost in finding that first, real, professional job?
    Tired of living with mom and dad, or of having to keep that weird roommate?
    Then you need my College Seniors: Step Up Your Job Search in January So That You Can Land In May - A Step-By-Step, Month-by-Month Timeline and Checklist.
    Right now, this renewed-for-this-semester 17-page guide is FREE (usually $29.97). You don't have to read it cover to cover to get help, just go to the sections that apply to you. There are links galore and a checklist that helps you achieve the steps that get you closer to landing a REAL job upon graduation.
    It's the end of March so time's getting short for you to start looking, and you HAVE to do it now to get the most out of the weeks ahead so you can land in May or June and start your real career. Be ahead of your competition by downloading it today!

    JM 10.2012 Sm

    Joanne Meehl


    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

    -- Nelson Mandela


    Tip of the Month:
    I no longer use street addresses on resumes. They're not relevant, and you need the room for your LinkedIn URL, and Twitter tag if you use Twitter.

    _______________________ One Meeting That Can Speed Up Your Search!!
    A Career Consult with the Queen is a 1-to-2-hour session with me that helps you get unstuck, unstalled, or unconfused -- or all three. You get feedback, possibilities, ideas, and a plan of action, as well as useful materials. It zeroes in on what's working in your search and on what needs fixing. In-person or via Skype, it's $175 and applicable to most additional services if you want to do more work with Joanne. For more info, just contact me.


    Useful links:

    Learn about ATS systems via the Job Search Queen YouTube channel!

    Thurs, April 4th, Face2Face Job Search Networking for Professionals: Executive Coach Joy Pecchia on "Time Margins"

    College seniors: What your Career Center isn't telling you

    5+ Years of newsletters, free here

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