Between the Trapezes - On Job Search! | January 2021
Between the Trapezes

Help for when you’re between two career certainties

January 2021

Are you between the trapezes? Either between jobs or between good jobs?

Be sure you are managing a project when it comes to your job search if you want success. See the article below about that.

Ever wonder if it’s worth doing a cover "letter"? Yes, it is. See below.

Want a fresh start? Read on.

Joanne Meehl
"Your career is the treasury of your life" -
Joanne Meehl
Resume expert who hopes you never need to actually use your resume. "The Resume Queen"®
LinkedIn profile creator if you want yours to be an employer magnet.
Networking guru who coaches you in elegant (not needy, gimme gimme) networking, finding hidden leads.
Interview prep that puts you at ease matching what they need and describing why they need you.

Photos in this Between the Trapezes courtesy of
unless it's flowers or memes, which are by Joanne

Your Career Is The Treasury of Your Life ©
I hear from a lot of B2B sales professionals, and love working with them as clients because they usually understand that many transactions in US society are based on selling -- including the job search.

Some people would find that statement revolting, because they think selling is too “transactional” (“I do something for you if you do something for me”). 

If you’re someone who thinks this way, it’s time to get updated.

A quality sales professional knows that they are really educating and solving problems. Those are the salespeople – whether selling to the VP of IT or the person in a store who’s buying skin cream – who succeed.

Having been in business-to-business (B2B) sales myself, and now having worked with probably hundreds of B2B sales pros, those out to solve problems are almost always the most successful. In short, they do each sale as a project.

You can do the same in your job search, whether you’re in sales, finance, analytics, operations, you name it: Do do your search as a sales project. Here are the steps: 

1.    Do the research of the prospect (potential employer)
2.    Learn what their pain points are (usually: saving/making money, saving/making time, solving problems)
3.    Match the right solution (YOU!) to that pain 
4.    Show them how you’ve gotten those results before in taking away that pain (use your success stories - this is not bragging, instead it’s informing them), 
5.    Close – ask for the job: "I see that we have a good match here...what is the next step?" 
6.    Follow up – stay engaged to resolve future problems (meaning: continue solving problems as part of your job) 

Doing it this way gets you to see the employer’s issues, which gets EMPLOYERS to see you as part of their team!


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This month’s Tip from Joanne:

Yes, use a cover letter.

Actually, a cover email. Choose at least 5 requirements of the job and respond to these by matching your achievements with them.

Showing the employer how you match their job gets them to actually READ your cover email. Why do so many say they don’t read cover letters? Because usually those are a rehash of the resume. So why read them? 

Instead, gain the hiring manager’s attention by saying “I see this is what you want/need, this is how I can fix this for you…”

Now that’s a cover email that WILL get read, which means your RESUME will get read. 

Thought for the Month

Follow what you love and eventually,
that thing you love… will love you back.

— Leslie Odom Jr., singer and actor

Joanne Meehl Career Services LLC | 612.440.6765 (new) |