Your Career Is The Treasury of Your Life - news! | October 2018
Your Career Treasury

"Your career is the treasury of your life" - Joanne Meehl

Despite the low unemployment rates, employers still ignore great talent out there: older workers, non-traditional candidates, you name it. Can we fix that in this newsletter, today, this afternoon? No. Can we adjust an approach so that you land your next job and then change the broken system from within? More likely.

See more on this below. And don’t miss the poll question at the bottom, thanks!
Joanne Meehl
Resume expert who hopes you never need to actually use your resume. "The Resume Queen" ®
LinkedIn profile creator if you want yours to be an employer magnet.
Networking guru who coaches you in elegant (not needy, gimme gimme) networking, finding hidden leads.
Interview prep that puts you at ease describing why they need you.

BA, MS, IJCDC and Forbes Coaches Council Member

Question mark
If it’s so hard to find qualified people for many openings, why are so many good candidates ignored?
People are saying it’s a "broken hiring system"- what can YOU do?
The hiring "system" has never been perfect. Historically, managers have chosen their new employees in a variety of unscientific ways: gut reaction, a family member, the boss’s nephew, new grad who said just the right thing in the interview. I had a manager at Xerox who preferred former football players, like him, as newbies on his team -- which kind of left out all the women candidates.

In our more diverse world, today more companies are choosing teams the better reflect their customers’ profiles so they can better meet their customers’ needs . It’s common sense for a business to operate this way.

But with impersonal methodologies like ATSs (applicant tracking systems), social media, keywords and profiles, many great candidates, like new military veterans for example, who don’t know these tools can get left out of the running without knowing why. It’s just dumb that companies don’t use a more personal method to find people for their teams. After all, who you hire helps determine the success of the company.

It’s been my philosophy that no one person can change "the system", but they can do a smart search that helps them overcome such hurdles. That’s what you, the candidate, have control over; you don’t have control over corporate hiring technologies or philosophies, broken or otherwise.

Focus on you in your search, not on weeping and gnashing of teeth over "the system", or your resentment will leak through. (See my blog about older candidate "whining", here.) So let it go.

And instead, focus on:
  • networking instead of sending out a ton of resumes
  • meeting new people
  • getting out of the house
  • calling people on LinkedIn who are at your target companies
  • on practicing the telling of your success stories
  • on volunteering where your next manager volunteers, so you can meet her way before the interview

In the end, it’s these efforts on your own behalf that will work.

Besides: Who will take care of your search if you don't?

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This month’s Sampler:
A thank-you email that sells you
I get a lot of questions about thank-you letters/emails after an interview. Yes, courtesy counts. But don’t make it a boring "Thank you for the opportunity..." Instead, say thanks BUT also point out again how you match the job in that one more way that you didn’t mention in the interview. And as for more time with them! You can do this whether the interview was via the phone, via video conference, or in person.

Just 5 short paragraphs will do it:

  1. Thank you for your time and close attention to this important role
  2. Now I’m even more excited about the role (say this if it’s true)
  3. One example of my success in this kind of role, that I didn’t mention in our meeting, is ______ which shows I won’t need a long ramp-up time
  4. I realize you are talking with lots of great people, so if you have more questions for me before making your decision, I’d appreciate a 15-minute follow-up call with you so I can answer them
  5. You mentioned the next step would be hearing from you one way or the other by next Friday; if I don’t hear from you given your travel schedule, I’ll call to follow up
POLL: Have you had at least one video-based interview in the last 30 days? Thanks!
Joanne Meehl Career Services LLC | 612.216.3855 |

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